Wednesday, May 29, 2013

baja sea treasures

I spent the Memorial Day weekend down in Las Gaviotas, Baja (more pictures to come!). Every morning we would wake up early and check the surf, but the tide was SO low so we would have to wait a few hours. But even though a low tide is a surfer's nightmare, it's a beachcomber's dream - the water so far back that all the rocks, shells, and little nooks and crannies that sea treasures hide in are revealed. I spent my early mornings crawling the beach, collecting all the sea treasures pictured above. My favorite things to find down there are the pieces of mexican tiles that get broken up and smoothed down like sea glass, natural and rock like on the bottom, with a panel of smooth color on the top. (Lower left in the shot). This iphone photo I snapped doesn't really do all the textures and colors justice, but these are all great additions to my collection!